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Sunday mornings are a time for our local church to gather together and celebrate all that God has done and is doing in our midst. Come and join us!

Join us via Livestream on
Sundays at 10:00a

570 Appian WayEl Sobrante, CA 94803

When you come to Assembly Church, you can expect to be welcomed into a friendly environment by people who are genuinely excited to see you. Our gatherings last about 1 hour and 15 minutes, and are filled with gospel-centered music and teachings from the Bible.

Our Church

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Child Care

Our Kids team is committed to provide an environment that is safe, clean, and fun for your children while you enjoy the worship gathering. We provide care and classrooms for infants-3rd grade during our first and second Sunday services. We have care through 2nd grade for our third service.


Our church is located near downtown Des Moines, and has its own parking lot as well as many spots available on the surrounding streets. On Sunday mornings, our parking team will help you find an available spot.


We desire all of our guests to feel comfortable, welcomed and enegergized. One way we support this is by offering hot coffee in our cafe, on us!